Which are the UK’s Smartest Towns and Villages?

Smart Cities get loads of coverage in the press.  Meanwhile towns and villages get overlooked. It is time for change?

Big cities are fast becoming ‘islands’ of prosperity while many parts of the UK feel beleaguered, cut-off and forgotten. Yet, it is the suburban towns and rural villages that could help solve the issue of tightening labour markets – especially Post Brexit!

Our Towns and Villages have an enormous amount of untapped talent, knowledge and know how – people who have taken early retirement, people with disabilities, carers and parents who con’t manage the Monday to Friday, 9 to 5 fix – or those who just prefer not to commute. 

But the deal is – you’ve gotta go to them. Don’t expect this rich seam of talent to come to you. Most don’t want to herd themselves into your corporate office, like sheep. 

A plethora of untapped skill is available to businesses who struggle to attract new recruits. You’ll just need to think a bit differently. Ready for that?

There are Smart Towns and Villages springing up all over the country.  Their residents are registering their skills and this is producing a talent heat map for the UK.  

Contact ideas@smartworkingrevolution.com to access a wealth of skilled people – outside of the Big Cities.