You are the Leader of your Business. You are also the limit to it’s Success

You are the Leader of your Business. You are also the limit to it’s Success.

Before you begin the transformation toward a smart workforce, ask yourself:

How can I learn and grow?

You and your team are role models for this transformation – your people will follow your lead. Therefore, success demands that Leadership evolves first.

What are your strengths and weaknesses? What needs to change in the Leadership team before you can move forward with the transformation.

Do we really value our people as the individuals that they are.

Do we know what makes each one of them tick? Do we know what their individual life aspirations are?

Success requires that each person in the business transforms – it’s a combined effort, so spend time understanding their drivers in life.

Each Leader should have a 20 minute conversation with each of their team to find out more about them.

Do I truly trust my people?

Do the rest of the Leadership Team trust our people? Are some of us referencing our own past behaviours when we say that we cannot trust people if we cannot see them?

These questions can be tough on Leaders, but this is the stuff of the Growth Mindset that we talk of.

Growth Mindset

Those who have a Growth Mindset category firmly believe that they can achieve anything as long as they make enough effort and continue learning and trying new things.  It is this attitude that will lead to successful implementation of smart working.

The opponent of the Growth Mindset is the Fixed Mindset – it is static thinking of those who need the 9 to 5 Fix. It means that your business will not keep up with the competition whoa re already adopting a smart workforce. You will miss out on the best talent.

You can change your outlook on life and work by changing your attitude of mind. Sometimes you’ve gotta transform your own skills before you can transform those of your people.

If you are brave enough – ask us about our Smart Leadership Programme.  It’s hot stuff.

You are the Leader of your Business. You are also the limit to it’s Success.

Contact us for a chat about how you business can begin to adopt smarter ways of working here

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