Hybrid Working – Do The Maths

There are many different types of options to choose from and implementing Hybrid Workforce Models can be complex. So, as practitioners – where do we begin……. Hybrid working is [...]


Job Descriptions are full of drivel!

Job Descriptions! Why are they full of such drivel? Well, according to history, IBM started it. They produced a job description back in 1949 and it seemed to catch on. That was 73 years ago, so [...]


Spice It Up!

What do employees want?  I’ll tell you what employees want – what they really, really want….. Our research identifies these factors as the most important for employees to day: [...]


Rose Tinted Remote Working Glasses

Recent global figures from job sites Indeed and LinkedIn, show worker interest in jobs with a remote component is outpacing the number of available roles in many cases. But are those job seekers [...]


The Future of Work is almost here!

Last night, I had a really interesting dream about the workplace of the future. Are you ready? Because the future of work is almost here! It was 2030.  I arrived at the shared office space in a [...]


Core Hours Strategy

A core hours strategy is simple.  Your company decides on a small amount of hours, usually less than half the total working week, when everyone will be expected to work – whether they are [...]


Innovation – No More Sheep Dipping!

Are you ready for the future of work? Of course, technical ability remains a must have in your organisation, but the most valuable skills are extending far beyond that. Indeed, the collective [...]