One and Done!

74 companies in the FTSE 350 have just one Woman on their Board!

This is according to the Hampton-Alexander review into women on boards. Meanwhile, the number of female CEO’s in the country’s largest 350 companies fell from 15 to 12 last year. All-male exec committees doubled from 7.6% to 15.7%

These figures are shocking – at least half of the customers that these 350 UK companies serve are likely to be female. Who is providing the female insight to those Boards? If businesses want a strong talent female pipeline then they MUST introduce flexible options in 2019.

The F Word

The sad fact is some Leaders don’t like the term flexible working. So let’s speak about ‘smarter ways of working’ that allow more women to continue in a role while raising a family, acting as a carer & so on.

Smart Working is not a nice to have – it is crucial to the social structure of modern society for men & women alike. It will also help reduce the Gender Pay Gap over time.

If you’re the ‘ONE’ woman on the Board – bang that drum – ring that bell – demand change. The more women on the board the better female customers will be served.

If you’re a Chief Executive with only one woman or worse still, no women on your Board, it is time for you to step up to the plate and do something about it!

We’ve been implementing smart options into corporate business for 20 years. We can help you determine which smart working options will work for your business and which to avoid. Every business is different and not all flexible working will suit your needs.
