Smart Working Policy – 50 Ways to Leave your Office

Smart Working is a business wisdom. A response to the difficulties in finding skilled people for your business and the challenge of meeting customer service demands. It is a business vision that drives improvements in productivity and saves on expensive office space.

Hop on the smart working bus, Gus.

We have a suite of more than 50 options that Leaders can choose from in our Smart Workforce Model.  These range from location choices to contract and hours possibilities.  The trick is to identify the options that match the needs of customer demand.

Additionally, having options that employers can offer their workforce is extremely important, especially when you are considering the generational differences of five different generations in the workplace.

Smart Leaders do this by running a Feasibility Workshop, where they work out which 3 options will work for their unique business and which to avoid.  Anything more than 3 can lead to change overload.

Make a new plan, Stan.

Once, the firm has uncovered the combinations that will enhance their customer’s experience, a pilot is required.  This is a preliminary test of the chosen options and it’s an important step to take prior to full implementation.

Implementing smart working is not as easy as some Leaders think it is.  There is a tendency, in some organisations, to take risks – issue people with a laptop and a smart phone and tell them to work from home, a couple of days a week.

Invariably, this approach fails. A small scale, reversible pilot, that gains the buy-in of your people, is the solution. You will need a structured approach and plan to get smart working off the ground. This is your opportunity to tweak and test to create the best performing options, that match customer demand.

No need to be coy, Roy

Once piloted, you are ready for implementation.   At this stage, the people in your your business will need a set of guiding principles, so that they understand the ground rules they can operate in.

Some call it a Smart Working Policy, others a Smart Working charter.  Whatever, it’s called you need one in your toolkit, so that a smart culture is embedded.

That’s why we’ve built a template that covers different options and helps your business to avoid the pitfalls. It guides your team in how to create that smart culture that attracts and retains the best people and supports business growth. Want to learn more?

That’s easy. Contact me.