Workplaces told to expect absence of up to 25%

The Sick Line is buzzing!  The Government have told workplaces to expect absence of up to 25%. What contingencies have you got in place?

Our clients have been planning for this scenario for some weeks. Here are a few tips which might be useful. They are from one of our Smart Leadership planning sessions:


1. Encourage Remote Working for those who can

2. Expand self-service and on-line options for customers if possible (it’s a bit late to start from scratch now – so perhaps get this in place for the next wave)

3. Switch on your emergency cover list – ex employees, retired, students, overtime etc – those who you have prepped in advance to offer cover if they can.

4. Identify essential functions, posts and any individuals, whose absence would place business continuity at particular risk and put a contingency in place.

5. Identify which services could be reduced or closed down during all, or the most intense period, of the Pandemic

6. Ensure that Health and Safety responsibilities to employees continue to be fully discharged

7. Identify inter-dependencies between your suppliers or service partners and ensure they are adaptable and robust. Make sure that suppliers delivering services under contract have appropriate arrangements in place themselves to maintain their services

8. Be kind and help other organisations/services where you can

If you haven’t planned – it is going to be a tricky few weeks. Get your whole team together – be creative, think things through urgently and ask everyone to commit to being really adaptable. Don’t forget to ensure Finance are involved too, so they can budget.

Shout if you need help!