Work Smarter

Revolutionise Your Workplace with Flexible Working and Smart Leadership

Work Smarter

Revolutionise Your Workplace with Flexible Working and Smart Leadership

Solve Workforce Challenges with Innovative Flexible Working and Leadership Strategies!

Welcome to the Smart Working Revolution, your go to partners for helping you solve business problems using smart leadership and a range of flexible working strategies.  We call it Smart Working.

Do you have concerns with the performance of your hybrid, remote, mobile or office based teams?  Is your business struggling with employee productivity, wellbeing or engagement, collaboration or retention?  Well, you have come to the right place. 

Our team of practitioners have been uncovering the secrets of smart working for over 20 years. We’ve helped numerous leaders unlock workforce potential, refine leadership capability and develop modern business skills. 

Our range of practical solutions have proven to maximise employee efficiency, improve attraction and retention of the best talent, create better engagement and wellbeing and boost productivity by up to 13%! 

And the upshot of this is a much better experience for your all important customers too.

contact centre gym team

Workforce Transformation

Flexible Working strategies that help organisations transform the way they work.

smart leadership

Leadership Development

Our award-winning programme  develops Leaders who manage successful hybrid, remote and face to face teams


Skills Workshops

Dynamic business skills workshops to boost your team’s engagement, productivity and retention.

Practitioners, not consultants.

Our practitioners have been helping organisations to work smarter for the last twenty years. We’ve discovered the pitfalls and learned from mistakes so you don’t have to.

We’ll help you improve how your organisation operates by harnessing your most valuable competitive advantage… your people!


60 Different Workforce Options


Smart Working solutions are different for every business. Our model includes 60 flexible working options. Our practitioners work with your business to discover the sweet spot where flexibility meets productivity and leadership builds trust


The Smart Leadership Programme helped us to shift the mindset of our newly formed operational management team and align it to the strategic vision of Pioneer Group in becoming much more flexible, proactive and agile so that we are ready for the ever-changing work landscape. The course has been brilliant for the group.

Imran Khalifa

Pioneer Group

The work that we did with the Smart Working Practitioners was thought provoking on a number of fronts. The team found it both stimulating and enjoyable – very timely. We’ve implemented some great improvements

Anna Todd

Which Legal

The Smart Working Revolution Team will guide you through every step of the design of the workforce model. With their help, we managed to put our plans and savings in place at pace.

Gary Duggan


Which of the C Suite Roles love Remote Workforces the most?

Which of the C Suite Roles love Remote Workforces the most?

Finance Directors!  Why does that surprise you?  After all, they are always on the lookout for ways to cut costs and a Remote Workforce offers a  solution, so it is hardly surprising that so many have approached us for support.  Our Finance friends are increasingly...

Case Study – Combatting Wasted Time in Contact Centres

Case Study – Combatting Wasted Time in Contact Centres

In 1999, within a busy Warranty Insurance Business, we piloted an innovative solution by introducing a Gym Team in the Nottingham Contact Centre. Problem Years ago, in a former life within large contact centres, we identified a significant inefficiency -  wasted time...

Case Study – Agile Working in the Legal Sector

Case Study – Agile Working in the Legal Sector

Coodes Solicitors, a leading law firm in Cornwall, were looking to adapt to the changing work landscape and be at the forefront of the sectors transition to an agile working approach. Seeking guidance from industry experts, Coodes leadership team sought the assistance...