Blue Sky Thinking?

It must be the big blue skies of Cornwall……

Do you ever feel like you want to do nothing more than to give the old brain cells a chance to process all of the opportunities that are unfolding? To reflect and take the time to learn from them? To think about next steps? Watching the clouds, going for a cliff walk or reading a book really helps that process. Try some Blue Sky Thinking.

But it’s hard to do that in works time, isn’t it?

So, wherever you’re smartworking today, try taking small regular breaks instead. Try swinging between focused effort and having a break. Try 45 minutes of work, then a 10 minute break, you’ll come back to your tasks refreshed. This helps smart workers make better decisions and stay productive. Give yourself time for some Blue Sky Thinking.

It can benefit creativity too. It not surprising that Cornwall is bursting at the seams with people with open minds, imaginative thoughts and creativity……… given these big blue skies.

Contact Oliver Thompson or Ruth Gawthorpe – Leading The Smart Revolution for details of our programmes that help Smart Leaders win the hearts and minds of their Teams.

Meanwhile, I’m off in search of Ross Poldark!

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