Business Dinosaurs Not Welcome

There are Business Dinosaurs out there.

Dinosaurs who still don’t realise that it is 2019 and it is possible that you can produce a document remotely then send it via e-mail to the office instantly.

And I wonder if we should tell them that you can even hold a meeting with other staff members and clients now that we have teleconferencing. Tongue in cheek, but you know, there are still some Dinosaurs out there!

They are the type that don’t trust their people unless they can see them at the other side of the office.  Shame really, if only the knew that smart workers will work anywhere – shirkers will shirk anywhere.

Their businesses are likely to become extinct because they will not be able to attract and retain enough people for their business to grow.

The UK is in a bit of a Mess

The British Chambers of Commerce report that their members are saying that recruitment and retention of people with the right skill set is the number one business issue.

Intentions to recruit more people were strong in the first quarter of the year but nearly 75% of firms reported a shortage of suitable candidates, according to their landmark publication of the Quarterly Recruitment Outlook.

Meanwhile more and more thoughtful leaders are introducing smart working and flexible hours. They are improving employee satisfaction and productivity by giving employees more control over where and when they work.

1.  Normally, a digital design agency in London, has successfully deployed a four-day working week.

2.  BT abandoned its large London HQ for “a smaller, future-oriented working environment”. They plan to cut office locations across the UK from 50 to 30.

3.  The Dept of Health introduced a smart working programme that has reduced overall estate running costs by £27m. 22 leases were surrendered, and £9.5m was raised from 24 property sales. That’s really being smart with our taxes!

You’re one of the Thoughtful Leaders, aren’t you? Watch this   You’ll get it!

Business Dinosaurs – don’t bother – you won’t!

The Smart Working Revolution helps business implement smart working options that mitigate recruitment difficulties and retain the best people.