The Benefits of Smart Working to the NHS

The world has undergone a seismic shift. From how people think, learn and work to the evolving demands of patients, it’s a whole new ballgame.

While we advise on how to successfully implement flexible work strategies, we know that a Smart Organisational Wisdom goes beyond hybrid or remote work.  Smart Working is an holistic approach to operating smarter, driven by smart leadership, collective growth mindsets,  modern day business skills, workforce transformation and cutting-edge technology—regardless of your industry!

In this rapidly changing world, it’s essential for healthcare institutions like the National Health Service (NHS) to evolve and adapt. One way to do that is by embracing smart working practices. Smart working is not just a trendy buzzword; it’s wisdom can help the healthcare sector become more efficient, cost-effective, and responsive to the needs of patients and staff alike.

The Benefits of Smart Working

Improved Flexibility and Work-Life Balance. Smart working involves using technology to work more efficiently and flexibly. This means healthcare staff can better balance their professional and personal lives. While not all healthcare staff can work work remotely, Leaders could devise more innovative flexible working hours, so that staff could manage their schedules to fit their needs and preferences.

Cost Savings. Smart working can help the healthcare sector save money by reducing the need for physical office space and cutting down on overhead costs. Less space means fewer maintenance expenses and energy consumption. These savings can be redirected to improving patient care and support healthcare professionals.

Attracting Top Talent. Smart working will make healthcare a more attractive employer for top healthcare professionals. It demonstrates a commitment to creating a forward-thinking work environment, which can help in attracting and retaining the best talent in the industry.

And more….

Reduced Carbon Footprint. By cutting down on unnecessary commuting and the need for office space, the NHS can contribute to a more sustainable future.

Rapid Response and Crisis Management. The ability to access critical systems from anywhere can be a game-changer in emergency situations. Smart working equips the healthcare sector to respond swiftly to crises and adapt to rapidly changing circumstances.

Increased Productivity. With a better work-life balance, smart working can boost productivity among NHS employees. A happy and focused workforce is more likely to get the job done efficiently, which directly benefits patient care.

The Perils of Not Adopting Smart Working

However, it’s crucial to acknowledge the perils of not adopting these practices:

Stagnation. Failing to adapt at pace to societal change is leading to organisational stagnation. This makes heathcare less appealing to employees and fails to provide patients with a service that fits their personal needs.

Increased Costs. Maintaining outdated, inflexible working methods does result in higher operational costs, draining resources that could be better used to improve patient care.

Employee Burnout. A lack of flexibility and work-life balance will lead to increased employee burnout, negatively impacting the well-being of healthcare professionals and, in turn, patient care.

Reduced Attractiveness. In a competitive job market, a reluctance to adopt modern working practices can deter top talent from joining the healthcare sector.

Inefficiency in Crisis Response. During emergency situations, a rigid mindset may impede the Sectors ability to respond swiftly and effectively, putting patient care at risk.

Environmental Impact. Failing to reduce the carbon footprint through smart working can harm the environment and undermine the sectors social responsibility efforts.

In conclusion, adopting smart working is not only beneficial but essential for the NHS. It offers a host of advantages that can lead to a healthier and more efficient healthcare system. Meanwhile, failing to embrace these practices can result in stagnation, higher costs, and diminished employee and patient well-being. To ensure the sector thrives, it’s time to make the transition to a smarter way of working.

With two decades of expertise, helping your organisation to work smarter, is what we do. We’re uniquely experienced, to maximise the benefits of modern ways of working and deal with the challenges faced by your people too