Celebrate your move to Remote Friendly Working

Don’t forget to take the time out  to celebrate your move to remote friendly working.

In the whirlwind of remote work, don’t forget to celebrate your team’s game-changing contributions. While others have failed and returned to the office – you have succeeded.  Celebrating that success will boost the wellbeing of your team. Here’s a quick guide from the Smart Working Revolution of how to do it.

Recognise Impact

Illuminate the positive outcomes of the transition. In team meetings, pat the team on the back for the part they played in the transition.  Shout out those who drove the transformation, share feedback gems amongst colleagues and highlight team achievements. Imagine virtually high-fiving someone for a game-changing workflow suggestion. How good does that feel?

Celebrate Wins

Implementing remote friendly working is not easy.  You and your team have are on quite a journey with a number of milestones. Celebrate those milestones when they are achieved. Host a virtual happy hour when you smash a milestone such improved productivity or call targets. Foster joy and reflection. Remote friendly colleagues can bond during virtual celebration, so create opportunities when they can celebrate together.  It will lead to a culture of innovation.

Think collective growth mindset at every turn – even when you face those tricky issues.

Support and Involve

Go beyond praise. Regularly check in, offer targeted coaching and involve your team in future planning decisions. Where you team face challenge, conduct a virtual drains up where everyone’s input can shape the way forward. Think collective growth mindset at every turn – even when you face those tricky issues.

Boost Wellbeing

Elevate team morale by fostering a culture of celebration. A happy team is a healthy team! Recognising achievements not only acknowledges hard work but also contributes to a positive and thriving remote friendly work culture, ultimately boosting the wellbeing of your entire team. Sign up for our January Wellbeing Webinar here

Ready to dive deeper into the art of remote celebration?

For a complimentary copy of our FULL  helpful checklist – Celebrate your move to remote friendly working – complete this contact form and we’ll send it straight out to you.

Let’s make remote work, well work!