30 Days of Smart Working by Josh Hoole, Director of Operations

Josh Hoole, our new Director of Operations writes about his first 30 days of Smart Working and the plan for his next 60 Days of Smart Working.

Starting a new leadership role means first taking the time to listen and understand before making big  decisions. Here’s how I’ve been delivering value in the new role:

Getting to Know the Place

Step one is learning about the company’s culture, values and history. It’s quite a unique business so I am talking to people at all levels to find out what’s going well and what could be better.  I need to listen well to understand everyone’s perspectives, from my team to clients and participants, so I can make informed decisions.

Building Relationships

Connecting with my team, colleagues and other important people that we work with, such as Harland, our accountants, Coodes, our lawyers, our friends at People Hub in Cornwall Council and the local Job Centres all takes time – but it is crucial.  Being curious and kind helps during these conversations to uncover what’s important to them and to show I genuinely value their insight and input into our strategic plans.

I’m always keen to understand the purpose, or the “WHY”, before making any big changes.

Understanding What’s Expected

SWR is a fast moving, agile company so I am already juggling multiple balls at one time, from project development, recruitment, finances, creating policies and setting the KPIs. Of course, I’ve been talking to the boss and others to set the direction and clarify expectations for the role. That’s given me a clear line of sight of what we need to focus on as a team to achieve growth and hit the targets.  I’m always keen to understand the purpose, or the “WHY”, before making any big changes.

Seeing Our Skills

We are also reviewing ourselves as a team (and a company) to see where we excel and listening to how each person wants to grow and develop in the team.  A major part of my role will be supporting their goals and giving them opportunities to shine.  For me, however big we grow, a number one priority is maintaining the ‘speak up’ culture that this business has that allows everyone of us to have our say.

Setting The Direction

Over the next few weeks I’ll review the learnings from all this listening. Then I’ll design our shared vision for our future and growth. Once created, it’s  back to talking with everyone involved so the plan makes sense to them. It’s important to me that they can see where they fit and how they are contributing.

Making Sure Things Get Done Right

Olly, Director of Revolution, shared his top tips when I started and they have really helped.  He said:

  1. Tell everyone what’s expected of them
  2. Check in often to showcase success and improvement areas
  3. Make sure people know their part in the team, and that they’re a part of a supported team

It sounds simple but sometimes keeping things simple can be hard to get right!

Starting a new role is exciting and tough in the same breath.

Dealing with Changes and Staying Strong

Starting a new role is both exciting and tough in the same breath. I’ve promised the team that I’m  here to help them build a successful future and that I will listen to their worries and challenges as we progress.  Even when the going gets tough, I’m committed to leading by example. This means staying strong and being available to listen and learn from them.

Listening and asking the right questions means that I can build two way trust, create robust partnerships with our key stakeholders and develop a shared vision for the Smart Working Revolution. A vision that will delight clients, participants, my team…as well as the business bottom line!

So, there you have it.  A dive into my first 30 days of smart working.

If you’d like to learn more about what we do here at the Smart Working Revolution, then pull up a chair, let’s have a coffee and I’ll tell you more…….

Josh Hoole,  Director of Operations,   Smart Working Revolution.  info@smartworkingrevolution.com